Zong has launched its 20 MHz LTE services in Azad Jammu & Kashmir, achieving exceptional results in user speed and traffic.
Zong’s LTE testing in the region was recently completed with the throughput experience improving up to 10-20 Mbps depending upon backhaul capacity across Azad Jammu & Kashmir and its various districts.
With state-of-the-art technology, the company is providing massive LTE bandwidth with lightning LTE speeds, which remain industry best.
After the big win in the spectrum auction for AJK&GB, Zong is now set to become the leading data and connectivity provider in AJK. Zong (CMPak) emerged as the highest bidder for the 1800 MHz spectrum in the NGMS auction for Azad Jammu & Kashmir (AJ&K) and Gilgit Baltistan (GB) which took place in September 2021.
Zong won the 11.2 MHz of the highly desirable 1800 MHz, which has enabled the company to strengthen its 4G leadership and roll out its best-in-class 4G LTE in AJ&K and GB. The high-speed connectivity will boost businesses, tourism, and education among others.
“We are excited to launch our best-in-class 4G LTE services for our customers in AJK,” shared Zong’s official spokesperson. “It’s a momentous occasion and a major hallmark in Zong’s history, with the development being set to transform connectivity for the people of the region.”
“We stay committed to serving and empowering every corner of Pakistan. Our commitment is reflected in our resolve to venture into areas that others won’t, and going the extra mile in bringing the underserved Pakistanis into the digital mainstream. Our LTE rollout in AJK brings us closer to that goal,” the spokesperson added.
Zong has become an unrivaled service provider in AJK after the recent technological uplift and through its unrivaled data connectivity, the region is expected to receive a significant economic uplift.