Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) has decided to procure automated Quality of Service (QoS) monitoring and benchmarking system to benchmark voice, SMS, and data QoS Key Performance Indicator (KPIs).
The system will have data collection and data analysis (post-processing) modules and related services incidental to benchmark both voice, SMS, and data QoS KPIs for at least five (5) operators simultaneously and will have the capability to expand to include more operators if required.
Further, it would require measuring all the QoS KPIs. Both data collection and data analysis units should support all the technologies including but not limited to Global System for Mobile (GSM)/ Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA)/ Wideband Code Division Multiple Access (WCDMA)/High-Speed Download Packet Access (HSDPA)/High-Speed Upload Packet Access (HSUPA)/High-Speed Packet Access+ (HSPA+)/ Long Term Evolution (LTE)/ Voice over Long Term Evolution (VoLTE)/ Long Term Evolution Advance (LTE-Advance) etc. (i.e. 2nd, 3rd & 4th generation wireless technologies) in all bands/spectrum, carrier aggregation in contiguous/non-contiguous bands/technologies and should also be capable to test 5G technologies.
The system would have to bear the specifications including the capacity to test and benchmark QoS across a number of mobile operators (i.e. continuous measurement of at least five mobile networks), with the objective to reproduce end-user experience in different mobile networks, device types, and wireless technologies (i.e. 2G/3G/4G, etc.) operational in Pakistan including AJK & GB.
It should have the capability to perform field tests, measure, benchmark, and report QoS Key Advance Indicators (KPIs) as defined in mobile services licensees issued from time to time to Cellular Mobile Operators (CMOs) in Pakistan, PTA service quality regulation (Cellular Mobile Network Quality of Service (QoS) Regulations 2021).
The systems should be capable to record detailed measurements of the network while testing and should be able to collect network advance impact on the user experience. Equipment should be able to determine and plot the route and map it with respect to its GPS coordinates. Plotting would have to show only the relative movements with reference to a starting reference point. The equipment should be interface-able with off-the-shelf digitized map of the region, at any time in the future with minimum hardware and software up-gradation. All instances have to be time and day stamped.
The specification would have to explicitly indicate the minimum and maximum levels which can be measured by such an instrument.
The system should have an extension for indoor/ walk test measurement. It should support measuring audio and video services, including streaming & social media; including emerging OTT services testing. It should have Post Processing Tool with holistic analytics which provides insight into Advance and generates reports as desired by the Client.
It should have the capability of being upgradable to consider upcoming mobile network technologies and related Advance parameters and 5G etc. It should have the capability to measure all wireless technologies. It should have active and optimized Power Control for phone charging. The installation of the QoS monitoring system should be in such a way that the setup provides optimal conditions for uninterrupted data collection in a stable environment for reliable test results. Both Data Collection and Analysis/Post Processing Tools should support all the technologies including but not limited to GSM/ CDMA/ WCDMA/ HSDPA/ HSUPA/ HSPA+/ LTE/ VoLTE/ LTE-Advance etc. (i.e. 2nd, 3rd & 4th Generation technologies) in all bands/spectrum and carrier aggregation of contiguous/non-contiguous bands/technologies and should be upgradeable to 5G as and when required by the client.
It should measure Voice Quality Mean Opinion Score (MOS) through the latest version of Perceptual Objective Listening Quality Analysis (POLQA) for Full Band i.e. POLQA Version 3. It should also measure Video Quality Mean Opinion Score (MOS) through the latest version of ITU J.343.1.
It should support application-based testing e.g., Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, Netflix, etc. It should provide flexibility to support multiple device types of multiple vendors including but not limited to smartphones and modems etc.