WhatsApp is working on a list of new features for the chatting app and the latest one leaked today aims to improve Last Seen. As always, the leak comes from none other than WABetaInfo, the team of developers known for leaking upcoming WhatsApp features.
According to their newest leak, WhatsApp will soon let you hide your Last Seen status from specific contacts. Currently, you can only hide your Last Seen from all your contacts or none of your contacts.
This feature should improve privacy and anonymity on WhatsApp even further. Let’s admit, we all have nosy contacts that stalk our last seen and bother us about it. It could be your colleagues, bosses, overly strict parents, your little cousins, extended family members that have nothing better to do, or anyone else.
This new feature should be ideal for those who only want their Last Seen hidden from a few annoying contacts.
The new Last Seen option is being beta tested by a limited number of users at the moment. There is no official word on WhatsApp yet so it is unclear when the feature will roll out for everyone.
The news comes shortly after WhatsApp announced a major update to the chatting app called Multi-Device Support. This keeps your WhatsApp Web or WhatsApp Desktop online even if your smartphone has gone offline or died from low battery. You can log into 4 different devices without having to keep your phone online.