WhatsApp has been working on multi-device support for months now. The social media giant is finally releasing the feature to Android and iOS, letting you log into multiple devices without linking your smartphone.
Previously, if you wanted to use WhatsApp on a different device, you would have to keep your linked smartphone online to keep using WhatsApp on your secondary device, like your laptop for instance. This limitation will now be removed from WhatsApp, letting you use your account on multiple devices without needing your phone.
Sadly, your WhatsApp account can only be linked to WhatsApp Dekstop or WhatsApp Web as you cannot link to a secondary smartphone or tablet at the moment. However, we suspect this feature will be added in the future.
To use this feature, you need to opt into the beta test in the “Linked Devices” option in the top right settings menu. Once you’re in, you will be unlinked from all your devices before linking to a new one. When you’re linked to another device, it will behave the same way as WhatsApp Web, but you will not need your smartphone to stay online anymore.
Linked devices will be able to send and receive messages and make calls for 14 days after your smartphone goes offline. This should be useful when you don’t have access to your smartphone for a while. The only limitation on iOS is that you cannot delete messages or conversations through a linked device.
The new update is available to everyone already in Pakistan as well as other regions. Make sure your WhatsApp is updated to the latest version. After that, simply go into the “Linked Devices” option as mentioned before to get started.