Telenor Pakistan has announced that it has launched its 4G services in Azad Jammu and Kashmir. Irfan Wahab Khan, CEO Telenor Pakistan, Cecilie Blydt Heuch, EVP and Chief People & Sustainability Officer, Telenor Group, senior officials of the organization, and representatives from media attended the celebratory ceremony held in Muzaffarabad.
Telenor Pakistan’s investment and network expansion in the region is a testament to the company’s commitment to its promise to continue empowering the people of AJK by opening doors to opportunities through enhanced connectivity.
Telenor Pakistan is a market leader in the region and the highly anticipated upgrade and expansion into 4G services will enable access to the benefits to online services like e-education, e-health, e-governance, ride-hailing, and food ordering apps, and much more.
This enhanced connectivity will also boost tourism in the region and uplift the overall socio-economic conditions by bringing the world of opportunities just a tap away.
“In this digitally connected era, it is imperative to ensure equal opportunities for everyone so that no one is left behind from accessing the benefits of next-generation connectivity,” said Irfan Wahab Khan, CEO Telenor Pakistan.
“Staying true to our commitment to the nation, Telenor Pakistan has made this investment to ensure that the people of AJK are at par with the world to access opportunities stemming through high-speed connectivity. Mobile broadband has become a primary need for the growth and development of communities. We are extremely proud to boost the region’s socio-economic conditions and continue playing a significant role in the lives of the people of AJK by connecting them to what matters the most,” he added.
During her address at the launch ceremony Cecilie B. Heuch, EVP and Chief People & Sustainability Officer, Telenor Group further added, “This step forward towards provision and expansion of 4G services in AJK is the realization of our purpose of connecting people to what matters most to them.”
“I am confident that the benefits of data connectivity will be far-reaching, and opportunities will be exploited to the fullest given the potential of the people of this region. We are humbled and proud to bring enhanced connectivity to every Pakistani while breaking socio-economic barriers through best-in-class services,” he added.
Telenor Pakistan recently acquired 16.2 MHz spectrum in the auction held in September 2021, making it the largest spectrum holder in AJK & GB. Network rollout and enhancement have started in the region. Telenor Pakistan continues to lead the market in AJK & GB and is committed to continuing to serve the people for many years to come.