German website, allegedly claims that a new version of Windows will begin development in March 2022. The site claims that Microsoft has either already started development for Windows 12 or is on the verge of beginning the development.
The website appeared to have some reliable sources behind the reveal. Moreover, Microsoft MVP Swift on Security had also tweeted earlier that a source at Microsoft revealed “Windows 12 is already under development, and it’s going to require two TPMs.”
It was later revealed that the ‘two TPMs’ was only a joke as Windows 11 is the first version of the OS to require TPMs (Trusted Platform Module)
Swift later regarded the dual TPMs as a joke. Many speculated that the ‘two TPMs’ could refer to two different security methods such as the fTPM included in the AMD Platform Security Processor and additional security in the new on-chip Microsoft Pluton Processor.
The report does not feature any official sources or any further details. However, it is very likely there will be a major version of Windows after Windows 11.
So far, Windows 11 does not seem to have caught on with many users. Moreover, pressure from systems and component makers to promote hardware upgrades has also forced Microsoft to run back on the regular major Windows version update track.