Just a week ahead of its Snapdragon Tech Summit, Qualcomm has confirmed the name for its next flagship smartphone chipset. The American chipmaker has revealed that it will be called the Snapdragon 8 Gen 1, confirming all previous rumors.
The confirmation comes from Qualcomm’s latest blog post where it talks about the technological leaps coming with its next SoC, which it calls “platforms”. The company says that its new Snapdragon chips will entail “a single-digit series and generation number” starting with the Snapdragon 8 series.
This means that from now on, Snapdragon chips will not be called anything like the Snapdragon 888 or the Snapdragon 898, but Gen 1 or Gen 2, and so on. This year we are getting Gen 1 and its successor in 2022 will be called Gen 2.
It will be interesting to see how this applies to Qualcomm’s lower-end chips as the Snapdragon 4, 6, and 7 have several models in the same generation.
Further, Qualcomm has also said that they will be removing the “5G” suffix from its chips. This is because 5G chips have already normalized enough to not warrant a separate suffix anymore. Qualcomm has committed to launching only 5G capable chips from now on as well.
The fireball icon of the Snapdragon family may also see a change with new colors and aesthetics but those are yet to be revealed.
The Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 chip is confirmed to launch on November 30.