Last month, a robotics student Ken Pillonel managed to create the world’s first USB C iPhone by himself. He managed to mount a USB C port on an original iPhone X and it worked perfectly fine for charging as well as data transfer.
His USB C iPhone X went for sale on eBay this week through an auction. After 116 bids, the auction finally ended last night and the phone was sold for a whopping $86,001. This would be a mind-boggling Rs. 15.11 million when converted to PKR.
The highest bid stood at a steady $85,000 last week but jumped to $86,001 a few days ago. There was also a spoof bid for $1 million but it was deleted in less than an hour. A few other bids were redacted as well and the phone finally sold for $86,001.
Pillonel is also a YouTuber and he explains how he created the USB C iPhone X in the video below.