Last month, we reported that the Samsung Galaxy S22 is expected to cost around Rs. 170,000 in Pakistan. This speculation was based on European pricing for the flagship handset, but we now have a more accurate figure for Pakistan.
This is because Jon Prosser of Front Page Tech, who has been highly accurate with his leaks in the past, has just shared the American pricing for the Galaxy S22. He says that the vanilla S22 will start at $800 and since Pakistan follows American pricing, we expect it will cost somewhere around Rs. 140,000.
The $800 price tag goes in line with the Galaxy S21’s launch price, so older reports that claimed the S22 will cost the same as the S21 may have been true after all. Prosser claims that the S22 Plus will start at $999 and the S21 Ultra will charge $1,199 in the United States.
If the leak is true, then it is a good move from Samsung since it is facing tough competition from the iPhone 13 series as well as the Google Pixel 6 series. Xiaomi 12 is about to go global soon too.
The tipster has also revealed launch and shipping dates for the Galaxy S22 series. He says that the flagship lineup will be up for pre-orders on February 9th, but only the S22 Ultra will start shipping on 25th February. The S22 and S22 Plus are expected to roll out later on 11th March.
You can see Jon Prosser’s detailed report in the video below.