Earlier this week, the Samsung Exynos account on Instagram shared suggestive teasers that clearly hinted at an upcoming chipset launch. This led everyone to believe that we are about to get a big reveal next week, but that it is not going to happen anymore.
The Korean phone maker has just announced on Twitter that there will be no new chipset on November 19. The tweet says that “despite the rumors, we don’t have any Exynos-related plans”, even though the teasers were pretty clear and shared by Samsung Exynos itself. It seems that there was a sudden change of plans at the last minute.
Instead, the company wants to announce changes coming to their social media accounts on November 19. It appears that the Samsung Exynos account will merge with the SamsungDSGlobal account on November 19. Samsung’s Instagram post says “We are moving to our new social channel on Nov. 19th. Stay tuned.”
This is not nearly as exciting as what we were hoping for. Samsung definitely has a few new Exynos chipsets in store for us, but we don’t know when we will get to see them anymore. The Exynos x AMD chip announcement is probably not close, but we can at least hope to see the rumored Exynos 1280 budget chip in the near future.